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'The Daily Show' Announces Trevor Noah's Last Day, Weighs in on John Fetterman

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 13, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 13, 2022 |


When making the surprise announcement that he’d be leaving The Daily Show, Trevor Noah left out the finer details, namely his departure date and his replacement. We don’t have any answers on the latter yet, but Comedy Central has announced that Noah will officially leave on Thursday, December 8th, which at the very least means that he will be around through the midterms.

The Daily Show will return on January 17th with its revamped show, although the network isn’t saying what the revamped show might look like. There was a lengthy search for Jon Stewart’s replacement, but it looks like they’re just gonna wing it here. Late-night television is dying and The Daily Show’s ratings are a fraction of what they used to be, so I’m guessing that Paramount is going to try and keep the replacement host under budget. I doubt that the new host will get the marketing push that Noah received. Paramount may be trying to squeeze a few more nickels out of the brand before letting it die a quiet death.

In the meantime, on last night’s episode, Trevor Noah weighed in on the Pennsylvania Senate race between Dr. Oz and John Fetterman and, specifically, Fetterman’s need to use closed captions in the wake of his stroke, something he has been transparent about since August. The news media (and Meghan McCain in a now-deleted tweet) are making a big deal out of it, however, because of their insistence on a political horse race, even if the two horses competing are ultimately democracy and fascism (someone should tell the news media that if fascism wins, it’s not good for their profession).

Noah is absolutely right, and the way that Republicans this week have attacked Fetterman’s health and Biden’s compassion for his son’s addiction continues to illustrate exactly what that party stands for.