By Dustin Rowles | TV | February 8, 2018 |
By Dustin Rowles | TV | February 8, 2018 |
Those who saw the the back of Donald Trump’s terrifying head as the wind seemed to separate the two halves of his hair while walking onto Air Force One the other day had to be wondering what the hell was going on there?
I mean, we all knew his hair was a lie, but I had no idea that it was a full-skull fabrication. Can someone ask Sarah Sanders about it at the next press conference? Did the staples come out of his hair?
It genuinely did give me the same creepy feeling I had the first time I saw Darth Vader remove his helmet. Or remember Zelda in Pet Semetary? That’s what it reminded me of, only all of that horror was concentrated on the back of Trump’s head.
Jordan Peele should write a horror movie about that bald spot.
Anyway, Jimmy Kimmel endeavored to find out exactly what was going on there by asking a series of hairdressers in Los Angeles, and while I’m not sure he got to the bottom of it, exactly, it did generate a good deal of comedy at Donald Trump’s expense.
Remember when we used to laugh at Donald Trump? God, I miss those days.