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Stephen King Elicits an Approximate Netflix Release Date for 'Manifest' Season 4

By Dustin Rowles | TV | March 24, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | March 24, 2022 |


We haven’t mentioned everyone’s favorite supernatural mystery series about timeholes, death dates, and Meth Heads in a while, mostly because Manifest been quiet since the series went into production on season 4, now on Netflix. We do know that Athena Karkanis will not return, as her character Grace Stone was killed in the season 3 finale, and neither will Jack Messina, who plays Cal Stone, because he’s being replaced by another actor after his character aged 5 years in the finale (No, really). Everyone else will be returning, however, as they managed to find time between straight-to-VOD productions and failed TV pilots to make room for the fourth and final season of the series.

The final season consists of 20 episodes, although those episodes will come in 2 or more parts. There is also some unconfirmed speculation that the final season will have a time jump, so that the timeline can sync up with the death date of the series regulars, which is June 2024 (I suspect that showrunner Jeff Rake’s original six-season plan would have brought us to that date in our reality timeline). For those who may have forgotten, the “death date” refers to the day in which the passengers of the flight that disappeared for five years are expected to die (the math on one’s death date in Manifest is: The number of days you were trapped in a timehole + the day in which you come out the other end).

For those wondering when the fourth season will finally arrive on Netflix, author Stephen King — an inexplicable fan of the series, who helped save it from cancellation — recently asked just that question, and he elicited an answer from showrunner Jeff Rake:

So, Part I should debut in November 2022.

For the unfamiliar, with regard to the other two questions, “Trust me,” and “It’s complicated” are both savvy handwaving strategies that save the writers from having to explain what the hell is going on. They’re the television screenwriting equivalents of “Because I said so,” for parents. As in, “Why are you making me watch Manifest again, Daddy?”

“Because I said so!”