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Trailer: 'Silicon Valley' Is Back, but Erlich is Not

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 10, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 10, 2018 |


Silicon Valley is set to return on March 25th, but it will be missing two major things from last season: 1) T.J. Miller is gone, and 2) so is the Game of Thrones lead-in (Game of Thrones won’t be back until 2019). Erlich’s absence will be felt, however. Jian Yang will be taking over the incubator, and from the looks of the trailer, Pied Piper — and its 50 new employees — are not invited.

Meanwhile, Erlich is still out in Asia smoking drugs, where he will remain forever, especially following accusations of sexual assault. With Zach Woods, Kumail Nanjiani, Martin Starr, and Thomas Middleditch, who the hell needs him?