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Parvati Shallow on Feud with Sandra Diaz-Twine: ‘We’re Fine’

By Emma Chance | TV | February 19, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | TV | February 19, 2024 |


Survivor fans everywhere girded their loins when they learned that feuding queens of the franchise, Parvati Shallow and Sandra Diaz-Twine, would be competing on The Traitors season two together. Both Survivor winners, both arguably the best women to ever play the game—there’s been tension ever since Diaz-Twine won her second “sole survivor” title on Season 20, “Heroes vs. Villains,” with Shallow as her runner-up. We haven’t seen them together on our screens since.

The frenemies reunited in the billiards room of the Traitors castle, and the world held its breath. “It was so incredibly awkward—like, the cringe. And it was just deep cringe,” Shallow said of the meeting.

“I was already nervous going to this castle and starting a new game. I’ve been out of the game for a while, been going through my own stuff and my personal life, and I’m like: Okay, I need to come out here super friendly, turn on the charm, be a delight. And then I see Sandra, and it was really bad.”

Shallow’s gameplay on Survivor was just that: charming and delightful until she bit you in the end. Diaz-Twine, meanwhile, had a more low-key, prickly approach. I wonder if neither of them felt like they could play their old characters with the other around.

Luckily, Peppermint of Drag Race fame was there to cut the tension. “Peppermint brought us together and I was like, this could go either really terribly or fine. So I just went with it, and Sandra was going with it, and I was like: Okay, let’s just move past this and not have to deal with it anymore,” she said.

But it sounds like Diaz-Twine just couldn’t let it go: “After that moment with Sandra and I and Peppermint, the other Housewives were on Sandra; ‘Who started the feud? It was you, wasn’t it?’ And Sandra was like, ‘Yeah, it was me.’ And so she wasn’t out of the hot seat after that little rendezvous with me and her and Peppermint.”

They’re fine now, though. Or, you know, as fine as they’ll ever be.

“Yeah, we’re fine. Sandra is going to be who Sandra is forever, and I think I’m finding her very entertaining watching the show. And we just saw each other in New York. We did a bunch of little segments together for the Peacock press and it was fine. She’s funny, she’s a character. She will always want to have other people say she’s better than me, and that is fine with me. I’m fine with that.”

As for the “Queen” title and Diaz-Twine’s obsession with claiming it, Shallow said, “Of course, she must. She really wants that title, and you know what? Let her have it. She can have it.”

Well, based on the winner’s edit she’s getting on Traitors, looks like she’s keeping it.