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Netflix's 'American Vandal' Season 2 Trailer: They're All Pooping

By Dustin Rowles | TV | August 21, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | August 21, 2018 |


Before its release, I completely dismissed Netflix’s mockumentary series American Vandal, thinking it was some sort of low-brow bro-y comedy series. After the swelling critical success of the series, however, I forced myself to tune in, and I was only kind of right.

It is low brow — it’s about the investigation of a vandal who spray-painted dicks onto the cars in the parking lot of a high school — but it was also surprisingly brilliant. It managed to both successfully parody the true-crime documentary genre and work as a stand-alone mystery series. It was both funny and seriously addicting.

Season two of the series is set to return on September 14th (the same weekend as season 5 of Bojack Horseman, so don’t make any plans), and it has somehow managed to up its game. Season two will investigate the turd burglar, someone who apparently dosed the cafeteria beverages with a laxative, which led to a, uh, a “brown out.” The entire school finds itself in need of a bathroom, only there aren’t enough toilets to accommodate the entire school, which leads to students crapping on the floors of the hallway. “It was the worst thing I’ve seen in 20 years,” says a local police officer.

“It’s poop, but it goes a lot deeper than that.”

I cannot believe I am this excited to watch a show about investigating and apprehending the turd burglar.