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'Love Is Blind's' Uche Is a Real Piece of Work

By Emma Chance | TV | October 30, 2023 |

By Emma Chance | TV | October 30, 2023 |

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After skipping the Love Is Blind season five reunion for a “really good business opportunity,” Uche Okoroha issued a sinister warning that he would set the record straight on his wicked ways someday, somehow. That day has come.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Okoroha said “The producers had a certain narrative that they wanted to drive,” about him and that even if he had recorded a statement for the reunion or called in on Zoom, neither of which was offered to him, they would have spun his words “in a way that was negative against” him “with the way that they do their editing.”

He was shocked by how his ex, Aaliyah Cosby, spoke about him in his absence because “up to that point,” they “had open lines of communication.”

“She came up to me and said, ‘When this show airs, I’m going to lead with grace. I’m completely fine with what happened between us. I don’t think either of us are at fault. I think there’s certain things you did and there’s certain things that I did as well, but I’m past that. I’m moving on.’ And then once she found out that I wasn’t going to be at the reunion, she took a different road and blindsided me with some of the things that she was saying,” he said.

He went on to describe the show as a “competition of who got hurt the most, and who was dating the worst person” and said that Aaliyah “fell into that trap,” which surprised him.

Don’t worry, he wasn’t done. Of the conversations between him and Aaliyah, he said he understood how his “tone comes across” and that he knows he needs to work on that, but explained that “at a certain point” he needs to be able to have “tough conversations” with a partner and expects them to answer his questions and speak to him “with a level of maturity,” alleging that Aaliyah got offended by his asking questions and spammed him with angry texts and voice notes.

“Ultimately, I think that while I was willing to work on my character flaw, I don’t think she was as willing to meet me halfway with being able to communicate, and not running away, and dealing with things and communicating on that mature level,” he explained.

This man is an evil genius, hold the genius. He started out by blaming the producers and the edit, thus falling for the oldest trick in the reality TV playbook and proving he’s never watched a single episode of a reality show in his life, then he said it upset him how his ex, whom he thought he was on good terms with, blindsided him with the negative things she had to say about him, calling that kind of behavior immature and unkind, then proceeded to do the same thing. He claims that the producers took the “good aspects” of him and “threw those clips into the trashcan” and just showed him “arguing with people” instead.

Dude, the way you argue with people is the problem. You talk down to people and call them names and then use your fancy Scrabble words to explain how they hurt you by having the audacity to disagree with you, without ever letting them get a word in edgewise. No amount of nice clips of you laughing and being romantic will make the clips of you arguing look less bad.

He’s smart enough to know that he would have gotten reamed at the reunion, so he’s making the press rounds and telling his story in his own words instead, like a serial killer who represents themself at trial. At least he believes his own bullshit.