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Lisa Vanderpump Calls Andy Cohen ‘Inappropriately Naughty’

By Emma Chance | TV | April 24, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | TV | April 24, 2024 |


Amidst the many lawsuits claiming sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior being encouraged at Bravo and the accusations of Andy Cohen being a coke-fiend who parties with his favorite Housewives, Lisa Vanderpump, arguably the other most senior Bravo personality, is still rooting for the home team.

During a recent interview on The Talk, Vanderpump was asked about her relationship with Cohen.

“I’ve had a very close relationship with Andy over the years,” she said. “Andy and I have always had a very playful relationship. I think I’ve been one of the few people that have done Watch What Happens Live on their own for many years, and had a kind of very connected relationship, and he’s playful, he’s inappropriately naughty, like I am, too. I mean, that’s what Bravo is most of the time.” She added that Cohen’s “playful” personality is “innocuous” and said “he’s a gay man that we have a lot of fun with,” as if that explains everything.

“So, am I on his side? Damn right, I’m on his side,” she said. She posited that the allegations against Cohen “seem to come from people that are no longer working for Bravo,” which is true but doesn’t necessarily speak to their veracity. When asked about rumors that Cohen is “negotiating maybe stepping down”, she said, “Well, I hope not. I really do.”

As for the cocaine stuff, she said, “When it comes to drug allegations, a thousand percent I would know, and no way does it happen.”

Now, I don’t personally care if Andy Cohen does cocaine, but I certainly don’t think Lisa Vanderpump would “a thousand percent” know if he did. Maybe this just proves that she’s not one of his favorites.