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Joshua Jackson Sleazes It Up with Lizzy Caplan in the 'Fatal Attraction' Trailer

By Dustin Rowles | TV | March 1, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | March 1, 2023 |


As I’ve written before, you need only know two things about Paramount+’s television adaptation of Fatal Attraction: 1) It’s an erotic thriller, and 2) it stars Joshua Jackson and Lizzy Caplan. Are you in? Me too. Here’s the trailer:

The TV adaptation will be a modern retelling from the point of view of Lizzy Caplan’s character. Instead of being a villain to Joshua Jackson’s hero, Caplan’s character will likely be sympathetic, and if the husband/wife thrillers I’ve been reading the last few years are any indication, whatever drives her character to boil a bunny will probably have to do with gaslighting. Appropriately, Alexandra Cunningham — who wrote and produced Hulu’s Dirty John — is tackling the reboot.

The series also stars Amanda Peet, Alyssa Jirrels, and Toby Huss. It premieres on April 30th.