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Jon Bernthal Is All Smiles On Set Of New MCU Show

By Andrew Sanford | TV | April 5, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | April 5, 2024 |


The Netflix MCU shows had an odd relationship to their parent universe. Shows were presented as part of a larger continuity, then they weren’t, then they were again. Despite referencing larger events in the MCU, the shows (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and The Punisher) didn’t feel significantly connected to the larger world until the Red Devil himself made an appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Daredevil, played by Charlie Cox, would also go on to make appearances in She-Hulk and Echo. Vincent D’Onofrio’s iteration of King Pin appeared on Hawkeye and Echo. What once felt like more separate universes began to feel connected more meaningfully. Still, questions remained. How much of these shows would be integrated into the MCU, and would they bring their signature brand of “adult” content?

The MCU is known as a more family-friendly franchise. The Netflix shows were decidedly not meant for families. There was foul language, hyper-violence, and sexual relations hitherto unseen in a world populated by, at worse, myriad dick jokes. It wouldn’t make sense to, say, take a character who murders criminals with a vengeance while dealing with PTSD from his time as a Marine and put him in the MCU. That is about to change.

Daredevil: Born Again is a new show coming to Disney+ and featuring the full-time return of Charlie Cox as the eponymous character. The show has not had an easy road to television. There was a creative shakeup after six episodes were filmed. Filming on the show (and many others) was disrupted by the industry-wide strikes last year. After all of that, production is ramping up, and a familiar face has joined the fray.

Jon Bernthal, who starred in the The Punisher, will return to Hell’s Kitchen. Shots of him on set have made their way online, albeit slightly obscured. Bernthal has taken to Instagram to shed some light on his return, sharing a picture with his co-stars Cox and Deborah Ann Woll. Bernthal is covered in blood and smiling big. Maybe the new show will find a balance between family-friendly and violent as hell!