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Jimmy Kimmel Surprises His Kids With A Hitchhiking Jon Stewart

By Andrew Sanford | TV | May 7, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | May 7, 2024 |

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Jimmy Kimmel has a soft spot for kids. Some of my favorite bits of his involve him laughing as kids swear, act silly, and behave like kids. It’s infectious. There’s a genuine joy that emanates from him. Part of that has to do with him being a father. He hasn’t been shy about involving his kids in his comedy, leading to some hilarious moments over the years.

Recently, Kimmel surprised his 9-year-old daughter and 7-year-old son by picking up a hitchhiker. That hitchhiker was Olivia Rodrigo. It’s a hilarious segment where his daughter freaks out, his son plays it cool, and Rodrigo sings along to some of her hits. It’s equal parts family comedy and wish fulfillment that someone in Kimmel’s position is capable of. Why not surprise your kids with a celebrity they love if you have ABC’s funds at your disposal?

Kimmel didn’t stop there. Last night he played a clip of him and his family picking up another hitchhiker. He went from a hip rocker to a grizzled Arby’s-hating talk show host. Yes, Jimmy Kimmel picked up Daily Show host Jon Stewart, who was in LA for the Netflix Is A Joke Festival. He excitedly and awkwardly climbed into the Kimmel family car, to two completely surprised kids.

Kimmel’s daughter is quickly aware of what is happening. Her dad has involved her in another segment for his show. This time, however, she has no idea who their special passenger is. Stewart gets it and is unfazed, still joking and singing with Kimmel’s kids. He also gets Kimmel’s kids to swear. It’s a lot of fun, and everybody involved is enjoying themselves.

I often wonder what Kimmel will do when he decides to stop hosting a late-night show. I would love to see him do something that involves kids being funny. He may just retire and spend time with his own kids, but he would be right at home in a Kids Say The Darndest Things type program. Why not lean into what you love if what you love is so fantastic?