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Jimmy Fallon and Will Smith Turn Smith's Entire Career Into a Bad Dad Joke

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 10, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 10, 2020 |


My kid lives about a mile away from middle school and he walks to and fro each day. More often than I’d like, he’ll text me after school and ask me to come pick him up because it’s 15 degrees out and it’s Maine or because he’s got a headache or just doesn’t feel like walking. I’m very Dad about: Sure, I’ll come pick him up, but as soon as I see him in the distance, I will roll down the window and crank up the volume on whatever embarrassing song I can find. “The Humpty Dance,” “Baby Shark,” or my favorite, “The Chicken Nugget Song.” Then I’ll drive really slow while he tries to catch up to the car while everyone on the street can hear “The Chicken Nugget” song, before my son finally jumps into the car and turns off the stereo. I am the worst, but it is so much fun. This is why people have children. To torture them in middle-school.

Will Smith’s kids are well beyond middle school, but I feel like the video below is the world-famous, billionaire dad version of playing “The Chicken Nugget” song at maximum volume. Smith appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon last night to promote Bad Boys 3, and as part of his appearance, he and Jimmy Fallon rapped about the history of Will Smith’s career. It’s basically a two-and-a-half-minute Dad joke, and if Willow is at home watching, she’s probably peeking from behind her hands, too embarrassed to watch but too compelled not to.

I’m so proud of you, Will Smith. It’s all come full circle. Will Smith is now the parent who doesn’t understand. Well done!

Bad Boys 3, by the way, is out next weekend.

Header Image Source: NBC