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I Want To Join James Corden’s Huggers Support Group

By Andrew Sanford | TV | October 9, 2020 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | October 9, 2020 |

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Yes, I know it’s not a real thing, but damn, James Corden’s recent Late, Late Show sketch about a Huggers Support group left me wanting to join. Sitting in a circle (six feet apart) the hilarious bit puts you front row center for a meeting of Bro Huggers, High Fivers and Hair Tosslers, all affected by current social restrictions.

First of all, everyone in the scene brings their A-game. Armie Hammer, the legendary Mindy Sterling, even Perd Hapley himself, Jay Jackson, makes an appearance as someone looking for the meeting for “people who have accidentally exposed themselves during work Zooms.” They all bring the funny and had me emitting genuine belly laughs. Meanwhile, Corden leads the group with a wonderfully calming performance.

Second, the idea itself was both hilarious and charming. I’m Andrew Sanford and I’m a hugger. While I’m lucky enough to have been quarantined with my wonderful wife Joy (today is actually our three year anniversary!) I miss hugging friends and loved ones. I was born with arms longer than I am tall, dagnabbit, and they’re going to waste! All that to say, the idea of this sketch made me laugh but also hit me right in the feels.

Lastly, the sketch actually works as a nice reminder that some things are getting back to normal(?). A sketch with seven people in it, socially distanced or not, was incredibly refreshing to see. Just seeing people together with the purpose of making people laugh … it got to me y’all. While we may not be hugging yet, things are getting a little better. Right? RIGHT?!

I really enjoyed this sketch and like the great Liz Lemon once said:
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Header Image Source: CBS