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Frank and Claire Go to War, and 'House of Cards'' Fourth Season Looks Deliciously Terrifying

By Cindy Davis | TV | February 11, 2016 |

By Cindy Davis | TV | February 11, 2016 |

House of Cards third season received mixed reviews, and though it did suffer a few flaws, watching Claire subvert her husband was damned fascinating. It looks like Frank may have underestimated (been completely blindsided by) his true opponent, and if Claire does what I think she’s about to do, I can’t think of a more delicious direction Season 4 could take. First, take a look at the new trailer, and then we’ll slow down a couple of the more terrifying moments.

This has to be Claire. Is she paying to set Frank up for a fall, or to have him permanently removed?



Maybe he just needed a good scare.


Or, was that whoever — is this Seth — Doug takes out (this time)?


I think that’s Seth.


Oh, Doug…


“McDougal” (interestingly, also the name of convicted Clinton Whitewater scandal associate who died while in solitary confinement):


I want to know whose hand is on Frank’s face.


House of Cards returns to Netflix March 4th.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)