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Enjoy Every Time Tony Hale Has Appeared On 'Drunk History'

By Kristy Puchko | TV | July 8, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | TV | July 8, 2020 |


Hamilton’s Disney+ drop has audiences reinvigorated about researching, re-evaluating, and reimagining American history. So what better time to go on a Drunk History binge? The comedy series created by Derek Waters and Jeremy Konner features celebrities getting trashed, then recounting incredible stories from history, which are acted out and lipsynced by hilariously game performers. So, it’s funny and informative, and—hey—seasons 1-6 are currently on Hulu. However, if you don’t know where to begin, may we suggest any episode with Tony Hale?

Hale might be best known for playing the oddball brother Buster Bluth on Arrested Development or Veep’s dedicated doormat Gary Walsh, a role for which he earned six Emmy nominations and two wins. Yet some of Hale’s most deliciously ludicrous moments have been on Drunk History, where he’s appeared in 8 different roles!

Here they are:

In 2016, Hamilton creator/headliner Lin-Manuel Miranda threw down some shots on a special Alexander Hamilton episode. Hale appeared as Hamilton-hater James Monroe, starring opposite his Arrested Development niece, Alia Shawkat, who took on the title role.

Speaking of historical jerks, want to hear about how Walt Disney screwed over his crucial collaborator, Ub Iwerks? Hale’s got you in “Hollywood.”

In 2015’s “New Jersey” episode, Hale returned as Edward Cope, a paleontologist who battled in The Bone Wars. This wild tale of territory and treachery is narrated by What We Do In The Shadows’ Mark Proksch.

The “Legends” ep had Hale channel his comedy genius into the role of silent film icon Buster Keaton.

In 2018’s “Heists,” Hale played Isser Harel, the spymaster who plotted the capture of Nazi-on-the-run Adolff Eichmann. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s Rachel Bloom reveals how it went down.

In “Legacies,” Drunk History told the story of John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Well, more specifically, they told the story of their immigration to the US, thanks to unhip but accomplished attorney Leon Wildes, played by the one and only Tony Hale.

Hale’s last appearance on Drunk History was in the story of Martha “The Mouth” Mitchell, the first Watergate whistleblower. Did you think Deep Throat was the full story? Nope. John Early narrates Martha’s heroics, while Hale plays herscheming husband, a Washington D.C. big wig with close ties to Tricky Dick Nixon.

However, my personal favorite of Hale’s Drunk History performance was his very first. In Season 1’s “Nashville” ep, he played Meriwether Lewis of Lewis and Clark fame. The way he says “hookers” here still sends me into giggle fits nearly 7 years later. And bonus fun for My Favorite Murder fans: this story is co-told by Georgia Hardstark.

Want more Hale and Drunk History? Go to Hulu.

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