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WTF Was Up with that Cliffhanger, 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'?

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 3, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 3, 2017 |


Brooklyn Nine-Nine aired its last episode before a long hiatus on New Year’s Day, which is 1) not its regular time slot, and 2) is a holiday. Many people may have missed the episode, and many more may not have realized that the show won’t come back until Spring.

It was an amusing two-part episode that centered around a man-hunt. Amy and Jake had a contest to see who could capture the most men and the loser had to move into the other’s apartment (Jake eventually conceded after he recognized that Amy had the superior apartment). In the second half, Craig Robinson guest starred as an informant for Jake, who received immunity for helping track down a murderer. Meanwhile, Captain Holt tried to explain to a woman who doesn’t speak English that he was a baby by miming the tying of a half-Windsor. Boyle was kind of annoying and talked about his kid too much, and Sgt. Jeffords embraced his old age.

Oh, and Gina got hit by a bus.

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Wait, WHAT? Gina got hit by a bus?!

Yes, yes she did, and her fate is left unknown.

Did she die?

In an interview with THR, showrunner Dan Goor capably dodged the question.

What was behind the idea to end the first half of the season in such a shocking fashion?

Mostly we were motivated by the thought that Gina getting hit by a bus would be really funny (and shocking). Also, we legitimately wondered who would win in a Gina vs. bus battle.

Is Gina dead? Will we see Chelsea again?

Watch and find out! Again, I think another valid question is: did the bus survive? Either way, audiences will see Chelsea again — she is a force of nature and one of the greatest comic minds out there.

How will Gina’s death/near death impact the rest of the Nine-Nine?

Gina is at the very heart of the Nine-Nine’s spirit, so the squad is dramatically impacted by her every move; including, but not limited to, her “getting hit by bus” moves.

Well, that was unhelpful.

Over on EW, Goor offered this:

Gina definitely did not die because…

“She is the human form of the 100 emoji and therefore indestructible.”
“You can’t kill a phenomenon.”
“She’s a federally protected landmark.”
“The real question is: how did the bus survive crashing into her?”
“Fun fact: getting hit by a bus is totally safe. Please tell your readers that.”
“The only way to kill a Highlander is by removing the head.”

Gina definitely did die because…

“She got hit by a bus.”
“Repeat: She got hit by a bus!”
“Do you know how much buses weigh?”
“That bus was going so fast!”
“Fun fact: Getting hit by a bus that’s going that fast will kill you. Please tell your readers that.”
“Also, she was already a ghost.”

Funny, but again, unhelpful.

I guess we’ll just have to wait until the Spring to find out, unless of course The Mick or some other midseason replacement quickly crashes and burns and Brooklyn Nine-Nine is brought back sooner, with or without Gina.

P.S. Gina is totally not dead.