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The Best There Ever Was Bags Groceries

By Dustin Rowles | TV | July 25, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | July 25, 2023 |


I know that Andrew likes to wax poetic about Conan O’Brien on a weekly basis, but before there was Conan, there was Dave, the best there ever was. Johnny Carson may have popularized the late-night format, but Letterman turned it on its head and paved the way for his Late Night successor, Conan O’Brien, as well as pretty much everyone else in late night (except Fallon; that’s all Leno’s influence).

One of the things Dave did better than anyone else, then or now, was the remote segment, where he could be found, for instance, taking orders at a Taco Bell drive-thru or even the McDonald’s drive-thru. Click the links. Watching those clips is the best way you could possibly spend your morning.

This may not be quite the same, but here’s Letterman working inside a grocery store called Hy-Vee, which I assume he’s being paid to promote. The can of soup gag — an old Letterman standby — never gets old.