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Conan O'Brien Has Beef With A Toddler

By Andrew Sanford | TV | August 1, 2022 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | August 1, 2022 |

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I play my ukuleles for my twin boys all the time. They love it and will dance, and I love it because they love it. They’re only 16 months old, but it’s gotten to the point where they clap when I finish a song. It is adorable and a tremendous boost to my ego. However, every so often, they won’t clap. I’m left spinning my wheels, wondering what my performance was lacking. They can’t give me answers, so I have to sit there, filled with quiet resentment. So, a recent story from Conan O’Brien hit home.

Conan, sitting with Matt Gourley and New York Times best-selling author Sona Movsesian, and Sona’s twin sons Mikey and Charlie came up. Conan noted that Charlie did not laugh at one of Conan’s jokes, and the decorated late-night host has not let it go. He’s leaving it to Charlie to squash their beef. Hold strong, Conan!

It’s weird to hear about Sona’s twin boys while mine are close in age. My boys, Romulus XXVII and Bonestorm, are a few months ahead of Mikey and Charlie. That said, their living situation is quite different. At one point, Sona talks about her boys getting into her backyard during the brief moment she turned her back. Losing track of kids in a split second? That I relate to. Sometimes I swear my kids go in different directions on purpose. A backyard though? Here in NYC, we call that a sidewalk.

I don’t have many similarities to Conan O’Brien (despite copious amounts of plastic surgery), but I can sure as hell feel the pain of working out bits on a kid, only to receive bupkus for a response. It’s not our fault their tastes haven’t matured yet! These kids just don’t get it! (Insert Principal Skinner “am I out of touch” meme here.)