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Conan O'Brien Celebrates His New Sirius Channel By Annoying A Group Of Jingle Singers

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 28, 2022 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 28, 2022 |

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If I am out and about, I wear headphones. More often than not, I’m listening to a podcast. But I do enjoy a good music song like any other human being! I will occasionally find myself trying to pick the perfect song for whatever moment I am experiencing or the mood I am in. It’s like having your own theme songs or, for the purposes of this article, jingle. To put it mildly, I totally understood Conan O’Brien’s excitement at finding out he would be given a jingle for his new Sirius radio channel. I also understand his need to mess with the people whose sole job is to create that jingle.

Conan recently visited NYC (where I saw him live, NO BIG DEAL) and stopped by the Sirius XM HQ. There, in addition to recording a show, he helped create a new jingle for his radio channel. Though, by create, I mean he threw ridiculous ideas and suggestions to a group of talented jingle singers who had already crafted a perfectly fun and catchy tune. It’s a classic Conan move. Insert yourself into an arguably normal situation and make it silly. It’s a classic because it works.

Conan just has a way with people who are forced to be in his segments. I don’t mean that as an insult. The fact that these people are clearly just doing their jobs while a giant redhead makes a mockery of the whole situation, is hilarious. They laugh along, sure, but several times it seems clear that they just want to get out of there. But they can’t. They just smile politely as Conan pushes them closer and closer to the point of breaking.

Conan’s job is, by nature, not a serious one. Seeing him interact with people who take their jobs very seriously is just a surefire method of success.