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But Rob Gronkowski Really Did Miss the Field Goal in that FanDuel Super Bowl Ad

By Dustin Rowles | TV | February 13, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | February 13, 2023 |


Before we move on from the Super Bowl commercials, there’s one more ad that has been nagging at me. I wasn’t paying much attention to the ad itself during the Super Bowl, so I didn’t realize initially that the Rob Gronkowski field goal was both live and that there were actually stakes involved. Specifically, if Gronkowski had made the kick, FanDuel users who bet at least $5 would’ve split $10 million in free bets.

Apparently, the ad had been heavily promoted in the two weeks leading up to the Super Bowl. There was a lot of hype around the kick. All I knew from watching the ad, however, was that it looked like Gronkowski had made the field goal, despite the fact the announcer had said he missed it. Watch for yourself:

I wasn’t the only person confused, either. Here’s how the Times described the ad:

Rob Gronkowski’s attempt to kick a field goal in a promotion for the sportsbook FanDuel, mercilessly promoted during the two weeks before the game, unfolded with all the narrative tension of a call from a telemarketer. An onscreen label said the 30-second commercial was live, but it didn’t look live, and it was hard to tell whether Gronkowski, the retired N.F.L. tight end, made the kick, even though he collapsed in a pantomime of disappointment and FanDuel later said he missed it.

A lot of folks online also thought Gronkowski had made it. Here’s a quick sampling:

However, watching from a different angle, it’s clear that Gronkowski actually did miss, assuming this is authentic footage (although one YouTuber is trying to suggest there were two videos).

Mystery solved.