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Listen to a Black Woman .png

Amber Ruffin Wants You To Listen To Black Women

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 23, 2020 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 23, 2020 |

Listen to a Black Woman .png

Amber Ruffin thinks you should listen to Black women. As she points out in a segment from the latest episode of The Amber Ruffin Show, “Joe Biden won the presidential election due largely to the efforts of Black women.” And it’s true. Because of that, Amber thinks there are plenty of things we should listen to Black women about. Spoiler alert: She’s right. As always.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Amber Ruffin was born to be behind a late-night desk. She’s funny and charming and delivers punchlines with unfiltered ease. In this segment, she gives her opinion on topics ranging from Movies (“no more of those movies where a white family takes in a destitute Black child”) to the word “Irregardless” (“the hate that this word gets is ridiculous”).

I could honestly have watched an even longer version of this segment. Every week, Amber gets better and better. While I’m still bummed that Conan is leaving late night, it’s nice to know that someone like Amber Ruffin will be keeping the format going. Moving it into new, interesting territory.

That includes a fresh perspective as well. “Listen to a Black Woman” is not just a funny bit. There is a strong sense of self-reflection. We are now listening to Amber, every Friday night, and as the sketch points out, we are better for it.