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Amber Ruffin Has Fun With The Urgency Of The Midterms

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 7, 2022 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 7, 2022 |

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Midterm elections are tomorrow! If you weren’t aware of that, I envy your ability to ignore the constant barrage of political messaging (but also, please go vote). The rhetoric around these elections has gotten so dire that even Bill Maher is saying that Democracy is on the line and that guy is as much a Democrat as Tulsi Gabbard is. With everyone yelling at you from all directions, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, and sometimes the only way to deal with that is to laugh. Cue The Amber Ruffin Show!

On the most recent episode of her show, the eponymous host, and her co-host Tarik Davis, discussed the upcoming midterms. Things start simply enough, with them letting people know they should vote while presenting video cards from old public service announcements. The usual suspects show up like, “The more you know” and “one to grow on.” Then things get downright silly as cards that have nothing to do with education start popping up.

At first, I thought this was a little lame. Something about it just didn’t hit me right away. Then, as it kept going, it got funnier. They kept going and kept committing and kept smiling. When they got to the last card, I was in hysterics. The whole segment is a perfect example of what makes the show great. They do not shy away from their silliness. Not in the slightest. They came out of the gate knowing precisely who they are and have not dialed it back since.

Yes, these upcoming midterms are important and even a little bit scary! But sometimes you need to laugh about how crazy everything is getting to keep from crying. For one moment, I wasn’t feeling overcome with anxiety about the fate of this country, I was just laughing at two hilarious people being goofy. Then, Amber hung out with the incredible Jasmine Guy, who showed just how incredible she is. It’s a pretty rad start to the week.