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'Spy vs Spy' But it's Fancy and Dramatic

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | April 30, 2024 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | April 30, 2024 |


The Veil on FX on Hulu at 12:01am ET. Series premiere. I’ve only seen Elisabeth Moss in the ads for this, and Josh Charles is the number two, but the description is “A thriller series about a potentially deadly game of truth and lies as two women travel from Istanbul to Paris and London, with one of them possessing a secret that the other needs to expose.” Anyway, looks like another spy show with a lot of explosive moments that if they happened in real life would be absolutely terrible spycraft and completely obvious to everyone around them.

Will Trent on ABC at 8:00pm ET.

The Curse of Oak Island on History at 9:00pm ET. 11th season finale. Is it that the island is being destroyed by treasure seekers who can’t seem to accept that there’s nothing there? Because that’s my guess. (I know what the real answer is, I’m just still flabbergasted that this series is ongoing.)

The Good Doctor on ABC at 10:00pm ET.

Password on NBC at 10:00pm ET.