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'The Neighborhood' is Returning for What Season?

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | February 12, 2024 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | February 12, 2024 |


The Neighborhood on CBS at 8:00pm ET. Sixth season premiere.

Gospel on PBS at 9:00pm ET. Series premiere.

NCIS on CBS at 9:00pm ET. 21st season premiere. This show lost a big part of its cast this past year, which will be addressed in the second episode of the season which will say goodbye to David McCallum.

Stupid Pet Tricks on TBS at 9:00pm ET. Series premiere. Hmmm, effects of the strikes coming home or just how TBS wants to roll these days?

The Daily Show on Comedy Central and several other Paramount stations at 11:00pm ET. Jon Stewart’s triumphant? return as host one night a week.