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The 'Galavant' Cast Shares Sneak Peeks Of Season Two

By Kristy Puchko | Sneak Peeks | September 2, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Sneak Peeks | September 2, 2015 |

Season one of Galavant ended with its eponymous hero fleeing with former enemy King Richard. Gareth and Madalena sit on the throne. And Isabella is a kept woman, kept in a creepy, radioactively pink doll house created by her young cousin/betrothed.

So what’s in store for season two? We took to Twitter to find out:

The title of episode one:

Isabella is not alone.

But she is in chains.

Peasant love lives on:

Madalena is still looking fierce.

And she’s been chatting it up with Galavant’s captured squire, Sid.

Look! New queens!

You might recognize Sally Phillips (right) from Bridget Jones’s Diary and Sarah Hadland as Caroline Bingley in mankind’s greatest Pride and Prejudice adaptation.

King Richard’s looking goooooood.

But Galavant…I lost my train of thought.

From one of the show’s producers/lyricists:

And there’s lots more music in store.

Galavant season two won’t air until 2016. In the interminable meantime, enjoy this highlight of season one, “Maybe You’re Not The Worst Thing Ever.”


Kristy Puchko loves this show as much as someone like her can love anything.