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Stephen Colbert Wants To Take You Home. You Should Definitely Let Him

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 1, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 1, 2015 |

There are only so many things in my life I can #HumbleBrag about (hey, that hashtag was added to the dictionary, you know!), but working from home is one of them. Still, I understand the horrific boredom of the daily commute. So if you spend your mornings stuck in traffic, listening to morning shock jocks interrupted periodically by traffic apps, may I suggest an alternative?

Stephen Colbert, who we know is in a weird transitional time between shows, wants to help you get where you’re going. That’s why he’s lending his voice to Waze, the official traffic app of Cool Kids on fleek everywhere.

Of course, Stephen does give you the impression that he will change up your route whenever he gets even mildly bored with your regular commute, but hey— you get to spend that extra mystery route time discussing your favorite (and least favorite— traffic, I’m looking at you) jams.