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Why Do We Love Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson?

By Agent Bedhead | Lists | March 27, 2013 |

By Agent Bedhead | Lists | March 27, 2013 |

It’s absolutely no secret around these parts that I love Dwayne Johnson, who might possibly be the only reason I’d ever watch the upcoming G.I. Joe: Retaliation. I’m not entirely under The Rock’s spell, however, because while I will readily endure his decent kiddie flicks and praise his return to cinematic glory, I also delight in pointing out his mediocre turns, his fruitless efforts, and his ridiculous money grabs. Still, I will forgive him almost any movie after I finish writing a review for it. Yet I am still at a loss to explain exactly why I find The Rock so irresistibly awesome, but here are just a few guesses. Let me know if you agree, disagree, or can think of some better reasons.

Is it because he looks so good in tight black underpants while mocking his own persona?

Is it because he sang a ridiculously cheesy song to his own mom on Mother’s Day?

Is it because he was the lone bright spot in an otherwise utterly depressing Tyler Perry movie?

Is it because he can pop berries off his pectorals?

Is it because he dressed up as a fairy and still appeared quite masculine in the process?

Is it because he can play the ukelele and look smoking hot while doing so?

Is it because he can pull off the cheesiest movie scripts without negating his own badass quotient?

Is it because he doesn’t even flinch at the thought of homoerotic throwdowns with Vin Diesel?

Yeah, that’s gotta be it.

Agent Bedhead lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She and her little black heart can be found at Celebitchy.