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The Most Generic Actors in Hollywood

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | October 22, 2009 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | October 22, 2009 |

By request, here is the flip side to Tuesday’s “The Ten Most Generic Actresses in Hollywood,” as it pertains to actors. The idea here, essentially, is that if their names weren’t above their pictures, you probably wouldn’t be able to name seven of out ten, unless you were a follower of that individual. I admit, too, that number one is a cheat — he’s fairly recognizable now, but he was the impetus for both of these lists. He may be famous and identifiable, but he’s nevertheless the most generic actor probably in the history of film. (I will also concede that Zach Gilford should be on this list, but I can’t bring myself to add him).

10. Matt Czuchry (“Gilmore Girls,” I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell)


9. Bryan Greenberg (Bride Wars, Prime)


8. Chris Evans (Cellular, Fantastic Four)


7. Jensen Ackles (“Supernatural,” My Bloody Valentine)


6. Jesse Metcalfe (John Tucker Must Die, “Desperate Housewives”)


5. Penn Badgley (Drive Thru, The Stepfather)


4. Lucas Black (Sling Blade, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift)

Lucas Black-7.jpg

3. Barry Watson (Sorority Boys, “What About Brian?” “Samantha Who?”)


2. Jon Foster (Pandorum, “Accidentally on Purpose”)


1. Paul Walker (Fast and Furious, Into the Blue)
