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The First 5 Women I'd Audition to Play A Female, Serial-Killing Version of "Dexter"

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | May 9, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | May 9, 2012 |

FX, the best network on television (that shitty Justin Long animated sitcom, notwithstanding) is now developing a female version of “Dexter.” The series, based on Chelsea Cain’s Heartsick novels, centers on “beautiful therapist-turned-series killer Gretchen Lowell and her relationship with damaged Portland detective Archie Sheridan.”

That’s all we have to work with. Television actress. Beautiful. Therapist. Serial Killer. Looks good in professional attire and can look a little dead in the eyes. Probably a little Femme Fatale-y. Plus, someone we’d be comfortable watching murder who I assume will be clients who confess to very bad things.

The first five women I’d audition:

Carla Gugino


Paula Patton


Tricia Helfer


Connie Britton


January Jones
