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The 5 Worst TV Ads in America

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | November 1, 2011 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | November 1, 2011 |

Every great once in a while, I’ll get frustrated with someone in our comments section who brags, BRAGS, that he or she is using ad blocker, encouraging others to do the same, because it’s tantamount to proclaiming, “Hey! Not only am I reading this site for free, but you’re not making any revenue off of me.” It’s probably the same people who defend actors who sell out because “they’re just trying to make a buck.” Me too!

But then I remember that I watch 25-30 shows a week plus hours of football, and — thanks to the DVR — the only ads I ever see are during Monday Night football, where there’s no Red Zone channel option. Even so, I was surprised I hadn’t caught any of Consumerist’s 5 Worst Ads in America, as I’d imagine any ad that could command enough attention to merit inclusion on such a list must be like one of those infectious pop songs that you think you’ve never heard before but somehow know all the words.

I do agree that the top four are obnoxious (and number one makes me want to move to Canada), but number five? I kind of laughed (*sorry*)

5. AT&T, Infuse 4G “spider

4. Geico, “Using smartphones for dumb things”

3. Summer’s Eve, “Hail to the V”

2. AT&T, “Mistake”

1. Luv’s, “Poop, There It Is”

It’s a fun list, and there are several other amusing rankings, as voted on by the Consumerist readers, that are worth checking out, including Most Grating Performance By a Human, Most Irritating Animated Actor, Original Jingle That Should Be Junked, and Worst Abuse Of An Existing Song (and the winner is very deserving).

(Source: Consumerist)