By Cindy Davis | Lists | February 16, 2014 |
By Cindy Davis | Lists | February 16, 2014 |
Going on the assumption that everyone is as excited about Hannibal’s immanent return as I am, I’ll presume you also delight in the series’ attention to detail…the food, the crime scenes, and of course, Hannibal’s suits. There are men in suits, and then there is Mads Mikkelsen in suits. I don’t know what kind of magic happens when he puts on a three piece, but the man is simply stunning. So while we wait for February 28th, why not gorge on the glory that is Hannibal’s suitery? Go ahead, let your tongue fall out, and drizzle a little drool over your keyboard.
“Ready for the next course? I’ve prepared a nice blood pudding.”
Maybe not this one…
This one isn’t from Hannibal, but I can’t resist.
Cindy Davis, (Twitter) has Mads love.