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Pajiba's 10th Annual Top 10 Top 10 Lists of 2011

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | December 31, 2011 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | December 31, 2011 |

1. Eric D. Snider’s 10 Best and 10 Worst Movies of 2011 (with bonus mindhole blowing miscellaneous trivia)

2. Film School Rejects Bestest and Baddest Villains of 2011

3. Filmdrunk’s 10 Most Insane News Stories of the Year

4. Warming Glow’s 10 Biggest Douchebags of 2011

5. Mike Ryan’s 10 Favorite Movies of 2011

6. David Chen’s 10 Favorite Longreads of 2011

7. Screenjunkies Best TV and Movie Memes of 2011

8. Television Without Pity’s 10 Most Heinous Reality Show People of the Year

9.’s Definitive Top 10 TV Series of 2011

10. Unreality’s Awesome Street Work Arts of 2011