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Let's Play 'America's Next Top Batfleck'!

By Tori Preston | Lists | November 16, 2017 |

By Tori Preston | Lists | November 16, 2017 |

Hey, remember when we heard Ben Affleck was looking to hang up his Bat-cape and leave the Batcave to someone new? Well rumor has it that Matt Reeves, who replaced Affleck as the director of the upcoming Batman solo film (called The Batman for… reasons), already has a replacement in mind. And it’s Jake Gyllenhaal!


John Campea dropped this revelation on his YouTube show today after teasing his inside knowledge yesterday. You can watch his segment below — it starts at around the 26 minute mark:

It’s worth mentioning that Campea was ALSO the person who first reported that Affleck was looking to leave the role (in the February 13th edition of Collider Movie Talk). And at the moment nothing is official. Hell, maybe all of this is in Campea’s head! But shit some dude made up in his own mental batcave is as good a premise for an article as any, so let’s take it as gospel that Reeves wants Donnie Darko to don the cowl.

The question is: Are you ready for Batenhaal?

I’m not opposed to Jake — he’s intense, he works out, he can probably drop his voice a register if need be — but there are other actors I could easily see stepping into the Dark Knight’s Dark Boots. Here’s a short list I’ve put together for consideration:

1) Idris Elba


This works for several reasons, the biggest being “Duh, he’s Idris Elba.” Look, Marvel may have hired the guy first, but they frittered away their opportunity with him — now he’s stuck as the unnecessarily charismatic Asgardian gatekeeper who barely has anything to do. When he DOES get screen time in a Thor film (which, bless it’s heart, Ragnarok did try to do), it just ends up being even MORE frustrating because HE’S SO GOOD YOU DON’T WANT THE MOVIE TO CUT AWAY FROM HIM AGAIN. He deserves to be a leading man in a big swishy cape, and unless Marvel is gonna make Heimdall: The Movie, I say we give DC a shot. Besides, we all know he’ll look great as a greying, besuited Bruce Wayne. And for all the fanbros who will loose their goddamn minds over *GASP* a black Batman, it’ll be more than made up for with the ladies who will flock to see him.

2) Christopher Plummer


He’s replacing Spacey, so why not Batfleck too? Besides, if they want to make him younger there’s ample source material to do one of those elaborate age-reversing CGI tricks with…


3) Jude Law




I’m basing this entirely on how well he pulled off silly capes and headgear in The Young Pope.

4) Taraji P. Henson


Taraji’s good enough to play the Mel Gibson role in a gender-flipped What Women Want remake, so why not gender-flip the big bad Bat? In fact, why stop there — let’s just replace everyone problematic with Taraji P. Henson. You know, if Christopher Plummer is busy.

5) Jensen Ackles


Look, I don’t have to justify myself. BUT, for what it’s worth, Jeffrey Dean Morgan has already played his dad… which practically makes him Bruce Wayne already.

Hey Jeff…I like the feel of this. Might have to give it a swing! #spnfamily #walkingdead

A post shared by Jensen Ackles (@jensenackles) on

6) Donnie Yen


I’m still not over the fact that Yen missed out on this year’s Pajiba 10, despite my considered campaign in his favor. But I shall not be dissuaded! Yen for everything! He kicks serious ass and looks great in a suit. What more do we need from Batman, anyhow?

7) Armie Hammer


Look at that jawline and tell me it shouldn’t be peaking out of a Bat-mask. Besides, he’s already got proven chemistry with Henry Cavill!


8) Pedro Pascal


C’mon, he’d make things interesting to say the least!

9) James Marsden




I don’t care, he deserves everything. Look at him. LOOK AT HIM. Just give the man a batcave so he can finally escape Westworld!

10) Blake Shelton


… Wait, who?