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In Honor Of Siskel and Ebert: The Pop Cultural Couples Who Love To Hate Each Other

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | April 5, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | April 5, 2013 |

We lost a truly irreplaceable voice in the world of film appreciation and criticism this week. Roger Ebert not only helped shape the pop cultural landscape for over 40 years but was simply one hell of an admirable human being. The loss of that voice is keenly felt not only for those with out heads buried in the world of film, but also for the most casual filmgoer. That’s how approachable Ebert was and how far-reaching his influence. The accessibility of Ebert’s criticism came in large part from the weekly TV show he shared with critic Gene Siskel. Their their joyful, combative chemistry made film discussion a must-watch. And even for those of us who don’t believe in a specific after-life, I think there’s a lingering hope that Siskel and Ebert are finally reunited. In a balcony. Somewhere.

Over on Press Play today, Ken Cancelosi posted this loving tribute to Siskel and Ebert’s sparring love/hate relationship. I watched and got a little emotional.

So in honor of my favorite sparring duo, here are a few more beloved fighters. Sometimes, just sometimes, an insult can feel like a hug.

Angelus and William The Bloody (Awful)

Bob Hope and Bing Crosby
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Raylan Givens And Boyd Crowder
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Jon Stewart and Bill O’Reilly

Aziraphel and Crowley (Not pictured but, well, this is pretty close.)

Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth

Walter Burns and Hildy Johnson

Statler and Waldorf