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How Will We F*cking Miss Them If We've Already Forgotten About Them? 20 Actors We Don't See Nearly Enough Of

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | September 27, 2011 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | September 27, 2011 |

Hollywood is a fickle, fickle fairy land that, as Joanna demonstrated this morning, likes to latch on to a certain actor or actress and suck out their blood and guts until there is nothing left but a bag of bones. But bags of bones have feelings, too! Just because an actor is overexposed for a few years doesn’t mean he’s not talented anymore. That’s what rediscovery is all about. But I get it: Hollywood works on the flavor-of-the-month system, and a few of the actors below were once tasty flavors that Hollywood licked until it get to the center of the tootsie roll pop and then bit their heads off.

But many of the actors and actresses below haven’t even risen to the level of flavor of the month. They’re just awesome/likable/adorable/winsome actors and actresses with whom most of us share a fondness. And yet, they are sorely underused even in the sitcoms or supporting roles with which they aspire. It’s not that I want to see any of them overexposed, but it would be nice to see them more frequently or in roles that for which we don’t have to search the seedy underbelly of Netflix to find.

What I’m saying is this: Wouldn’t it be nice if the studios and the television networks didn’t pull from the pool of the same 20-30 actors? Expand your horizons! Look around for those actors and actresses of yesterday and see if they fit into your movies and television shows.

In other words, bring back Dr. Cox, motherfuckers.

Below are 20 Actors that simply do not get much work anymore. In some cases, it might be by choice. In others, it’s inexcusable. We need more of them in our lives. Below each actor is the meager list of projects they currently have in the works.

John C. McGinley

The Discoverers (2012)
I, Alex Cross (2012)


Paula Malcomson:

The Hunger Games (2012) (as Mrs. Everdeen)


Robin Weigert

The Surrogate (2012)


Eric Bana

Blackbird (2012)
By Virtue Fall (2013)


Joshua Malina

Supporting roles in The Knights of Badassdom (2011) and The First Time (2012)


Portia de Rossi

Nothing confirmed in the works but for the possible Arrested Development movie


Andrea Anders

Nothing in development.


Ellen Page

The Bop Decameron (Woody Allen movie)


Rachel Griffiths

Burning Man (2011)


Bret Harrison

“Breaking In” (cancelled by Fox, but may return as a mid-season replacement)

bret harrison as sam 1_jpg.jpg

Donald Faison

Stag (2011)


Craig Bierko

The Three Stooges (2012)


Katie Aselton

“The League”
Black Rock (2013)


Dave Chappelle



Regina King

“Southland” (when it returns in 2012)


Matthew Perry



Bradley Whitford

Have a Little Faith (2011) (TV Movie)
Cabin in the Woods (2012)


Freema Agyeman

“Law and Order: UK”


Sophia Myles



Keri Russell

Goats (2011)
Austenland (2012)
