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Hey Man, What's Wrong with That? Five Reasons We're So Excited for Louie's Return Tonight

By Cindy Davis | Lists | May 5, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Lists | May 5, 2014 |

I don’t know about y’all, but I have major comedy problems — the kind of comedy problems that means I don’t find most comedy series funny. Yes, even the ones Pajiba loves. I try, give them a go an episode or two, but they just make me groan and flip the channel as fast as my fingers can fumble. But Louie? Makes me laugh *and* cringe, and that’s quite possibly one of my favorite feelings. Welcome back, my friend.

1. It’s Been So Damned Long.


Nineteen months! It’s been roundabout nineteen months since the September 2012 Season 3 finale. For someone like me who hasn’t really laughed at her television in all that time (okay — maybe once — but I didn’t like it) that’s AMC levels of intolerable cruelty.

2. There’s No One Like Louis C.K.


Before Louis C.K., all we had was Larry David and Letterman, and that’s a pretty great divide in terms of self-deprecating, inappropriate comedy. Dave says it without really saying it, and lets his face do the rest. Larry takes us to our darkest corners and leaves us lying in our own filth. Letterman is retiring; who knows if Curb is ever coming back? I’m going to wallow in Louie like a pat of melted butter sinking into a warmed croissant.

3. Double Trouble.


Perhaps to reward us for the long wait, or perhaps so C. K. can get it over with quicker — either way, we win. Starting tonight, FX will run two episodes of Louie back to back, and we’ll end up one episode richer than previous seasons.

4. Groovy Guest Stars.




Louie has had some great people dropping by in past seasons (David Lynch, F. Murray Abraham, Melissa Leo, Robin Williams…), so waiting to see who shows up is part of the fun. Tonight we’ll see Charles Grodin, Jerry Seinfeld and Dexter’s Yvonne Strahovski.

5. This. All of This.

Meet Cindy Davis, (Twitter) by the FX at 10 p.m.