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Happy St. Patrick's Day: 9 Actors Who May Have Had TOO Good a Time On Set

By Vivian Kane | Lists | March 17, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Lists | March 17, 2016 |

Because every day is St. Patrick’s Day if you don’t mind drinking at work!

Olivia Wilde (and Everyone Else) in Drinking Buddies

Anna Kendrick has previously said as much, but in a new interview, Olivia Wilde talks about how during shooting, everyone was “hammered the entire movie because it was real beer, because beer on that set was cheaper than water, because we were shooting in a brewery.” No one thought to warn teeny tiny Anna Kendrick, though.

She sat down to do the first scene and took a huge gulp of beer, not realizing it was real, and was like instantly hammered. She was like, ‘What’s happening? What are you guys doing?’ and we were like, ‘Oh, we forgot to tell you - the beer’s all real and everyone’s drunk. It’s 10 a.m., welcome to Drinking Buddies.’

Ethan Embry in Can’t Hardly Wait
Ethan Embry has said that in the ’90s, he was “a smoker and the world’s biggest pot head and probably smelled like a walking ashtray.” Which sounds accurate because before their big kiss scene, he says Jennifer Love Hewitt sent him a huge tin of breath mints. In fact, he was so high while filming Can’t Hardly Wait, he says he can’t remember the plot of the movie, other than that it’s about “a party, right?”

Daniel Radcliffe in Harry Potter
Daniel Radcliffe has said that while he never GOT drunk on the set of any Harry Potter movies, he was in the habit then of partying hard enough to often show up to work STILL drunk. (Presumably, this was on the later movies?)

Edward Norton & Brad Pitt in Fight Club
For that scene where the two men (one man?) are drunkenly hitting golf balls, Norton and Pitt were, in fact, drunkenly hitting golf balls.

Martin Sheen in Apocalypse Now

The making of Apocalypse Now is famously one of the biggest shit shows in cinematic history. Just one example: this scene, which was filmed on Sheen’s 36th birthday, in which he was drunk out of his gourd, actually punched that mirror, bled all over everything, and then tried to attack Coppola. (The last bit didn’t make it into the film.)

All of The Beatles in Help!
According to Paul and Ringo themselves, they “were so stoned on pot the day they shot the scene where Dr. Foot and Algerman tried to blow them up in the Austrian Alps that when George screamed his line “It’s an fiendish thingy! Run Ringo!” Both Ringo and Paul ran over the next hill.”

The Kids of Dazed and Confused

While the pot smoked onscreen was fake, the actors have admitted to showing up to set high (especially for that football field scene at the end, as if you needed confirmation for that), as well as sneaking real beer into their cups while filming.

Shia LaBeouf in Lawless
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Shia LaBeouf played a Prohibition-era moonshine bootlegger in Lawless, so instead of, you know, acting, he just drank a bunch of moonshine. Not only did it help him get into character, but it gave him that nice “drunk bloat” he wanted for his character. Apparently his on-set drunken behavior was so awful, Mia Wasikowska tried to quit the film.

Fred Astaire in Holiday Inn
For his quirky drunken dance scene, Astaire prepped by taking two shots of bourbon before filming. Then he re-upped with a shot before each take. The seventh (and final) take is what ended up being used in the film.