By Cindy Davis | Lists | September 29, 2014 |
By Cindy Davis | Lists | September 29, 2014 |
There’s nothing I could possibly say that you haven’t already thought or read about Vince Gilligan’s near perfect Breaking Bad. After hearing a crazy news story about a kid cooking meth in his apartment building, Gilligan and an old college buddy came up with the idea that rescued them both from being jobless and near penniless. We ate it up like the blue crystal deliciousness it was, and since then, nothings come close to filling it dark, violent, uncomfortable-laughter filled hole. In honor of the the one year anniversary of Heisenberg’s passing, here’s a look back at five of Breaking Bad’s best episodes (Er, SPOILERS):
1. “Pilot”
Not since Lost had we been thrown into a new world in such an exhilarating, compelling way; those who were able to keep their stomach contents past…
2. “Cat’s in the Bag”
…were hooked for the duration. This pivotal episode either brought you in as a permanent viewer, or turned you off to the point you never looked back. Me, I don’t know if I’ve ever cringed and laughed SO HARD at the same time, as when that tub crashed through the house floors.
3. “One Minute”
Personally, this is where I almost threw up — waiting for the cousins’ approach. Possibly the most tension filled moment ever on television.
4. “Gliding Over All”
Hank comes to a realization while on the pot and Gilligan delivers perhaps the cruelest mid-season ender EVER.
5. “Ozymandias”
Say what you will, this one hurt the most. Hank, Steve, Effing Todd and Jesse…Skye and Walt Jr.’s fight with Walt…Walt taking Holly and Skye screaming in the middle of the street. Broken, we were.
Of course it’s ridiculous to even attempt to break down a series like Breaking Bad into moments, and I’m sure you all have your favorites. Go ahead, scream them at me…and then let’s talk about a group rewatch.