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Everyone Loves A C*cksucker Lover: Your Favorite Famous People Getting Frisky

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | March 6, 2012 |

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | March 6, 2012 |

What do I have for you this evening? I have a bunch of your favorites (and some of your least favorites and, fine, some of your meh-vorites) loving up on each other. From platonic kissy faces, to enduring love, to the odd pair of Oscar nominees, something’s in the air. So enjoy this wee little morsel of love and rest assured that as much as these folks love one another, I love you more.

First up, the good folks at Vanity Fair released the photos from their 2012 Kissing Booth. Among others, we’ve got Bryan Cranston with his wife, NPH withhis partner, Emma Stone with Kristen Wiig and Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, and Katie’s Abject Terror.



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Yes, yes you’re right, I’m sure Katie’s just fine. Speaking of famous Toms and their ladies, the sweetness of Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson on this NHL Kiss Cam will melt your face right off:

Word on the street is that Jason Segel is dating Michelle Williams. Oh, funny dudes, you always win. (Lainey Gossip)

Finally, we conclude this Weird Monday Evening Pajiba Lovefest with the sexiest thing the internet has to offer. That’s right, you c*cksuckers, Ian McShane put out a smooth jazz album in 1992, back when he was Lovejoy and long before Al Swearengen was a foul-mouthed twinkle in his eye. This is like discovering Duke Silver all over again. You can read an amazingly in-depth review of the album here. Or you can sample its erotic delights below: