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Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree with Anyone Else But Me: Strange Bedfellows Who Belong Together

By Cindy Davis | Lists | July 23, 2012 |

By Cindy Davis | Lists | July 23, 2012 |

When it comes to intriguing couples, traditional romance is rarely the thing that catches my eye. Like Don Draper, I’m easily distracted from the humdrum monotony of beauty’s perfection. While peanut butter and chocolate may indeed taste great, there are different kinds of salty sweet—a complex deliciousness to an odd pairing. And though these pairs may never end up in a torrid embrace, their chemistry together—the way they balance each other out—make us want them together…’til death of their show do they part.

5. O’Brien and Thomas, “Downton Abbey”


Like two rotten peas causing decay in a plump pod, it’s hard to say which of these Crawley staff is more despicable—and yet we delight (even as we cringe) in their wickedness. Perhaps we caught a glimpse of remorse in O’Brien’s evil eye, or were taken in for a moment by Thomas’ rejection tears? More likely though, we can’t wait to see what sure-to-fail scheme they think up next.

4. Emily and Nolan, “Revenge”


Take a well-dressed, wealthy, techno-genius, abused puppy and leash him to a beautiful, broken-down, selfish, wanna-be ninja girl and what do you get? The real “Revenge” couple to watch. Who cares who slept with who? Nolan saved Emily, Emily saved Nolan. If only Emily would stop feeling sorry for herself, she could live with the snappiest-dressed man in his glass house, plotting revenge against everyone, happily ever after.

3. Bill and Eric, “True Blood”


Finally, after we were made to suffer through Sookie with Bill and Sookie with Eric, the vamp boys are where they belong: with each other. Eric and Bill have never been as much fun apart as they are together; they’re a modern day Newman and Seinfeld, with a hint of attraction thrown in (speaking of which, can we get a steamy love scene between these two, Mr. Ball?). Sure, the rest of “True Blood” has gone to complete and utter shit, but with only a season to go, they’re the reason to watch.

2. Raylan and Boyd, “Justified”


The best of frenemies, with their witty banter and a certain respect, Raylan and Boyd almost seem more like long lost brothers. But they’re as apt to shoot each other as to share a drink or shake a hand or save each others’ lives. It’s that constant and amusing line-crossing that makes us feel like they’re partners, rather than on opposite sides. But we always wonder which way the next incident will go.

1. Walt and Jesse, “Breaking Bad”


They are complete opposites (even through, during and after Walt’s metamorphosis), yet Jesse and Walt somehow work. They fit together in some horrible, awful puzzle we never want to finish. From the time we were first frightened by who we thought Jesse was, to the moment we became terrified by seeing who Walt really is, we have rooted for them to stay together. We laughed and cringed as they made mistakes or got rid of bodies; we cheered as our bad guys killed, or triumphed over the even worse guys; we cried when they suffered alone or together—and as they harmed each other. But of all the horrific things that have happened, what may have bothered us most was caught in a moment when Jesse and Walt were fighting each other: the idea that they might not work together ever again.

CIndy Davis loves a good apple.