By Cindy Davis | Lists | October 6, 2013 |
By Cindy Davis | Lists | October 6, 2013 |
Some Stuff is more Important than others.
5. We Sneaked a Peek at I, Frankenstein and Frankly I’ve No Idea What the Hell Is Going On.
Here’s my take: Lionsgate heard about Batfleck way before any of us, and decided to put their own spin on things. Eckhart whipped out his best Balewhisperspeak, an “ancient city” stands in for Gotham…and presto, here’s SuperFrankenstein. It’s a little bizarre, but some decent people are involved: Bill Nighy (aka Michael Caine’s Alfred), Miranda Otto, Rectify’s Aden Young (as the not-so-good Doctor); Jai Courtney and Dexter’s Yvonne Strahovski tag along.
Eckhart gives his take:
4. The Simpsons Went Wild (with a Little Help from Friends).
Breaking Bad, Simpsonized:
This awesome tumblr is full of Simpsonized characters from all the shows you love (The Wire, Downton Abbey, Sons of Anarchy, Sherlock, The Walking Dead). Warning: Highly addictive.
And Guillermo del Toro Created This Phenomenal Couch Gag Simpsons Intro:
For his “Treehouse of Horror XXIV” episode (which airs tonight), del Toro crammed in as many horror references as he possibly could—including Pan’s Labyrinth, The Birds, The Shining, The Car, Blade, and appearances by Edgar Allan Poe and Stephen King. Set your DVRs, my friends.
Speaking of Del Toro, Here’s Jessica Chastain Being Prepped for Crimson Peak.
The director’s next horror film (a ghost story) stars Chastain alongside Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Hunnam, and Mia Wasikowska—as a young woman who “discovers her husband is not who he appears to be.” Chastain, whose character we know nothing about, received the full body cast treatment, and de Toro has promised the film has “…moments that are very visceral, physical violence. You’re in this sort of sedate romance and then there is this brutal moment where you’re like, “Whoa!” And it has a lot of kinky moments. The only kinky moment I’ve ever shot is the leg f**k in The Devil’s Backbone. This has a little more kinkiness than that.”
3. A New Thor: The Dark World Clip and Featurette Hit the Webosphere.
The clip provides a slightly longer look at the now familiar Thor/Loki scene, and the featurette; a quick peek at location and set filming. Thor: The Dark World hits theaters November 8th.
4. Ralph Fiennes Went Full Dickens.
I can’t be the only one happy to see Ralph rediscover his romantic roots. Fiennes directs and stars in The Invisible Woman, based on the Claire Tomalin biography about Charles Dickens’ affair with young actress, Nelly Ternan (Felicity Jones). After the 45 year old Dickens cast 17 year old Ternan in The Frozen Deep, the two began a relationship that broke up his marriage and separated his entire family. Tomalin’s accounting claims the two secretly lived together thirteen years, until Dickens’ passed away. The Invisible Woman also stars Kristen Scott Thomas, Michelle Fairley, Tom Hollander and Tom Burke.
1. We Got a Final Batch of Gorgeous American Horror Story: Coven Photos.
Bow down to the glory of Murphy and Falchuk…not to mention Lange, Bassett, Bates, O’Hare, Lupone, Sidibe, Conroy, Paulson, Farmiga, Peters, Rabe and Brewer. American Horror Story: Coven premieres this Wednesday, October 9th.
Cindy Davis, (Twitter) may pass out from excitement before Wednesday.