By Cindy Davis | Lists | March 11, 2016 |
By Cindy Davis | Lists | March 11, 2016 |
Forget Marvel and Disney; A24 is the dream machine. Well, it is if you live in my head: Room, The Lobster, Mississippi Grind, Ex Machina, Slow West, Under the Skin, Blue Ruin, Enemy, Green Room. That’s a serious group of quality films starring just the people we like to watch around these Pajiba parts. It’s almost as if the distribution company took a look inside our archives and began spitting out the exact sorts of movies we love…Hey, wait a minute!
Please tell me Skynet isn’t running A24?
And if it is, well fork it. Watching great films is a lovely way to go.
Let me tell you about A24’s next must-see, Ben Wheatley’s (written and directed by) Free Fire, and show you the brilliant cast. The crime thriller takes place in a Boston warehouse circa 1978. When an arms deal between two Irish gangs goes wrong, their shootout devolves into a “game of survival.” Here are the unbelievably great group of actors, led by Brie Larson, who sets up the meet.
Stop. Hammer time.
I spy…an actual Irish guy. Btw, Peaky Blinders is back this fall, but things look rough for Tommy (***Spoilerish photos at the link***)
We can never have enough Sharlto.
Or, Sam Riley.
I don’t know about you, but I just dropped dead. Noah Taylor (who, btw stars alongside Sharlto in Powers), my friends.
Another Irish lad; Jack Reynor.
Fresh off Luther, Michael Smiley.
And not so fresh off Luther (2011), Babou Ceesay
Plus, Enzo Cilenti, Mark Monero, and Patrick Bergin, and it’s executive produced by Scorsese. Just start throwing your money at them, right now.