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A Pair Of Musical Playlist For Your 2019 July Fourth Celebration

By Jodi Smith | Lists | July 4, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | Lists | July 4, 2019 |


It’s an inexplicable time we live in and lots of us are conflicted about celebrating the independence of America when so many people continually attempt to limit our freedoms. Is it business as usual, complete with fireworks, cookouts, drinks, and a playlist designed to get partygoers dancing? Or is it going through the motions of all of these things while choosing music that says everything you can’t or won’t say to family or friends you can’t escape over the holiday?

Don’t worry, kids. I’ve got you covered on both fronts with Spotify playlists. Both are NSFW because that’s how I roll but the second one also contains songs I’ve never heard but that I think The Kids Will Like.

First up, the opinionated playlist:

As promised, this is the fun playlist that includes something for every person streaming through your backyard: