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9 Great Streaming Shows You Can Binge Watch Just In Time For The Fall Premiere

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | September 5, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | September 5, 2013 |

Available On Netflix: Now
Premieres: October 3rd (the most important day of the year)
Why?: We’ve long been singing the praises of this highly addictive political thriller/steamy lust-fest. Did it make you feel dirty to read that? I felt dirty writing it. But the seamier aspects of “Scandal” are overshadowed by the ferociously talented cast and taut writing. Come on, you have one whole month and only 27 episodes. This one’s a breeze.

“New Girl”
Available On Netflix: September 17th
Premieres: September 17th
Why?: Well, this one is a little tricksier. Fox and Netflix, in their infinite wisdom, decided to coordinate the release of Season 2 with the premiere of Season 3. So that gives you good folks 1 day to catch up on Season 2. That’s, well let’s be honest, no matter how much you like Nick Miller’s turtle face, that’s not enough time. DVR the Season 3 premiere and catch up in time for episode 2? That you can probably do. I believe in you.

“Parks & Recreation”
Available On Hulu Plus: Now
Premieres: September 26th
Why?: Oh gosh, because you’ll like it and you’ll love it? I mean, if you’re not caught up by now after all our gushing, kids, I don’t know what to tell you. But I will say that spending time with the Pawneeans is like receiving the friendliest televisual hug. The first four seasons are on Netflix and Season 5 is on Hulu Plus. Come on, y’all, you have 23 days. What, were you going to go outside?
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“The Walking Dead”
Available On Netflix: September 29th
Premieres: October 13th
Why?: Because it’s a gorram cultural juggernaut, that’s why. You’ll have two weeks to catch up with Rick and the gang before Season 4 premieres on AMC. If you gave up somewhere in Season 2, worry not. It got better last season and there were a lot of cathartic deaths. A lot.

“Bob’s Burgers”
Available On Hulu Plus: Now
Premieres: September 29th
Why?: I only just hopped aboard this train and, man alive, is it the perfect Netflix show. I heartily recommend injecting this bubbly 20 minute cartoon in between all your heavy dramas. Seriously, “Breaking Bad” getting you down? Spend some time with the Belchers. There are 45 episodes in total and you can watch the first two seasons on Netflix and the most recent season on Hulu Plus and be all caught up in the next 26 days.

Available On Hulu Plus: Now
Premieres: September 26th
Why?: Okay, confession time. I lied to you a little bit with that header photo. Peter Krause smiling all warm and smushy-like at his screen? That won’t be you watching “Parenthood.” It’ll look much more like the image below. BUT THE CRYING WILL BE GOOD FOR YOU. Someone mentioned recently that showrunner Jason Katims (“Friday Night Lights”) keeps his stakes “low but meaningful.” You could argue against that a bit with the life or death circumstances of this last season, but in general that’s what it’s like spending time with the Bravermans. These are everyday people with everyday problems. There are no zombies or cartels or bootleggers or dragons threatening our heroes, but they are heroes for facing down life’s more ordinary challenges. The first three seasons of this show are on Netflix and you can watch Season 4 on Hulu Plus or You’ve nearly a month to catch up. Have plenty of tissues handy.
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“The Neighbors”
Available On Hulu Plus: Now
Premieres: September 20th
Why?: Why? WHY? WHYYYYYYY? JOANNA, ARE YOU KIDDING US? I’m not kidding you. I mentioned yesterday that I’d heard that this stupid-looking show got MUCH better. A commenter agreed with me so I checked it out. THEY DO NOT LIE. It’s not going to blow your hair all the way back, but it’s at least “Suburgatory” good, and that’s good enough to justify a renewal. However, ABC has put this show out to pasture on Friday nights, so who knows how long that renewal will last? You’ve 15 days to fall in love and have your heart broken when “The Neighbors” gets cancelled this Fall.

“The Good Wife”
Available On Hulu Plus: Now
Premieres: September 29th
Why?: All the good things about “Scandal,” without the guilt. A lot of people still mistakenly think this show is for grandmas. It’s not. Your grandma couldn’t handle Kalinda. The whole shebang is available on Hulu Plus, so get on it. You’ve less than a month to brace yourself for what Lockhart and Gardner have in store.

“The League”
Available On Netflix: Now
Premieres: Last Night
Why?: Oh, well, hmmm, looks like we missed the boat on this one. That’s okay, kids, you’ll be ready for episode 2 next week, right? Why should you watch the last season (which just went up on Netflix this week)? Four Words: Raylan Givens, Sushi Chef.
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