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8 Reasons You Can’t Stop the Beat … Of My Heart For Zac Efron

By Corey Atad | Lists | May 8, 2014 |

By Corey Atad | Lists | May 8, 2014 |

I have something to tell you all, and I think it’s important. I like — no, NO — I love Zac Efron. I love Zac Efron and I want him to be the big star he deserves to be. Call me crazy all you want, but I’ve felt this way for years and I want to share it with you. Of course, Zac Efron has been on my mind a lot lately, what with That Awkward Moment having come out recently, and now Neighors coming out this weekend. It’s the perfect time to gush about Zac Efron, telling you all why I think he’s so great.

1. His Eyes

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Look at them. So dreamy! It’s so easy to get lost in them. When I stare into them it’s like falling into a beautiful starlit void of joy and wonder. Seconds turn to minutes, which turn to hours, which turn to days and I want to live in that space forever.

2. He Got His Start on Firefly

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A lot of actors have come through the Whedonverse, but how many can say that a Whedon show was their first ever acting gig? Go to Zac’s (I call him Zac) IMDb page and you’ll see that his first role was as Young Simon in the Firefly episode ‘Safe.’ That alone is good for almost a lifetime of good will!

3. He Loves Back to the Future


Back to the Future is my favourite movie of all time. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve seen it. I can quote the whole thing from beginning to end, and I think about it on a daily basis. You know who else love Back to the Future that much? My Zac. He loves it so much he bought a DeLorean. He loves it SO much he made 17 Again, which had countless references to Back to the Future. (Oh, and 17 Again is totally great, by the way.)

4. The Man Can Dance

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What good is a man who can’t dance? Well, as a man who can’t dance, I can tell you straight up, we’re good for nothing. But Zac? Oh, Zac can dance! But of course you already knew that because you’ve seen him dancing in Hairspray, the opening of 17 Again, and the High School Musical series, of course. You have seen those, right? Because…

5. High School Musical

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These movies are great! Well, the first movie is great. And the third movie. The second movie has some greatness, but it’s mostly boring. I’m not joking. I love the High School Musical movies. They’re cheesy and childish and oh so Disney Channel, but they’re also colourful, the songs are catchy as hell, and the dancing and choreography are seriously excellent. And of course, Zac is the glue that holds them together. Go Wildcats!

6. He’s Not Afraid to Be Bold

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Not wanting to get stuck as the Disney Channel/Nicholas Sparks guy, Zac has tried to branch out in recent years. He hasn’t been 100% successful, but his choices have been interesting. He was totally charming in Richard Linklater’s Me and Orson Welles. He took a role in American indie director Ramin Bahrani’s ultimately loathsome At Any Price, but he was also the only source of charm in the thing. And remember when Nicole Kidman peed on him in Lee Daniels’ The Paperboy? Yeah. Bold. And awesome. Though admittedly a little gross.

7. Hairspray

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Of all the stage musicals-turned-movie musicals in the last decade, Hairspray is easily the best. It’s infectiously fun, and while much of the credit for that goes to star Nikki Blonsky, Zac is once again the glue that holds the show together. His winning charm and game attitude and killer dance skills make him perfect for film, and his scenes with Blonsky are magic. Ladies’ Choice indeed!

8. His Abs

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Look at them. What are those? How are they possible? Amazing. Need I say more?

You can follow Corey Atad on Twitter, or listen to his Mad Men podcast, Not Great, Pod!