By Cindy Davis | Lists | September 16, 2015 |
By Cindy Davis | Lists | September 16, 2015 |
It can’t come as a real surprise to any fan of Doctor Who that Jenna Coleman’s exit was announced today — as Dustin mentioned, she almost didn’t make it past the last Christmas special, and the connection between her Clara and the Twelfth Doctor has been fairly tenuous. Who can say why they just didn’t click; whether their personalities just didn’t work together or the age gap played into it, try as they might, something’s always been a bit off. To be clear, I don’t think either actor is to blame, something was just funky with the chemistry. The Doctor and his Companions are like PB & J. They can’t just be haphazardly thrown together; we have to *feel* their partnership.
One would suppose the hunt for a new Companion has already been on for a while now, and I worry about Moffat’s next choice fitting with Peter Capaldi any better than Coleman did. For that matter, who’s to say Capaldi will stay? Chances are, the person(s) picked as the Doctor’s new Companion could even affect his decision. Presuming he does stay on for another go-round, here are a few Companion suggestions that may not immediately make sense in your brain, but who’d fit utterly perfectly with Capaldi’s Twelve.
1. Hayley Atwell
Stop screaming! I know she wants to be the Doctor, and I want that too. All we need is the right transition. Bring her in as a mysterious stranger/new Companion who we later find out (details, schmetails?) is a Time Lord. Meanwhile, Atwell and Capaldi can make Dubsmash videos together.
2. Alex Kingston’s River Song
You know she and Capaldi would be a riot together.
3 & 4. The Meta-Crisis Doctor and Rose Tyler
I *think* theoretically, this is possible. The Doctor could rescue Alterna-Ten and Rose from that parallel universe, and then keep them forever and ever! (That sounded less creepy in my head.)
5. Helen Mirren
Mirren could put her arm around Twelve’s shoulders, and make her mark as the dominant Companion.
6 & 7. Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen
I mean, come on! The possibilities are endless.
Moffat wouldn’t even have to write anymore, the guys could just ad lib and every week would be the best episode ever.