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5 Celebrity Beefs You Might Not Know About

By Rebecca Pahle | Lists | September 24, 2015 |

By Rebecca Pahle | Lists | September 24, 2015 |

TSwift, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj—everyone loves a good celebrity beef! But, in browsing those supermarket tabloids and online gossip rags you love so well, I bet you’ve never seen these! I’m talking celebrity beefs—deep cuts.

They’re just like us!

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Taylor Swift loves her fans, but there’s one thing she loves even more: A meatloaf recipe that, Pajiba has learned EXCLUSIVELY from anonymous sources close to the singer (that means it’s true!), goes back through at least five generations of the Swift clan. The secret ingredients? You didn’t hear it from us, but good money’s on Worcestire sauce and just a pinch of cocoa.

The latest celeb to jump on the Paleo diet bandwagon? Gwyneth Paltrow, who allegedly was forced to delay a planned family pumpkin patch excursion when she contracted food sickness from a meal of raw 80/20 ground beef, sprinkled with parsley and livened up with a twist of lime. Not very Goop of you, Gwynnie!

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(Not so) BLIND ITEM: Which former lovebirds were spotted rekindling their romance over a candlelit dinner at Five Guys? It’s Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner! Here’s hoping the restorative power of bacon cheeseburgers can bring love back into their lives.

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Nicki Minaj has a pet cow named Buttercup who travels with her on a specially modified private jet. It is part of Minaj’s rider that every concert venue she plays at must provide special accomodations for Buttercup, including an on-call masseur and an assortment of seedless grapes. Buttercup has PhDs in neoclassical architecture, molecular engineering, and library science.

Competitive eating has a new high-roller; word has it that a certain someone has been secretly prepping in her off-hours, scarfing Nathan’s Famous all-beef franks in the hopes that, come next Independence Day, she might unseat last year’s winner Matt Stonie, who ate 62 hot dogs in ten minutes. Surprise! It’s Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

This has been celebrity beefs.

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