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Here's the Sex Music: 250+ Songs To Bone Down To

By Lord Castleton | Lists | June 25, 2015 |

By Lord Castleton | Lists | June 25, 2015 |

At long last, here is part four of the Pajiba Ultimate Soundtrack exercise. We asked people to pick their favorite songs for the movie of their life (or any movie, really) and these are the results in the ‘Love Scene’ category.

And you thought you were exposing yourselves with the Pajiba Favorite Five? There’s quite a lot of difference between someone who chose Motorhead and someone who chose, say, Portishead or Flight of the Conchords or Marvin Gaye or Vangelis. The lucky thing for us is that they all work in their own delightful ways.

As always, thanks to all who participated.

NOTE: I’ll repeat this one last time: All of your entries made it into the spreadsheet (assuming you used the form- I didn’t pull any songs from the comments section.) However: some of those songs didn’t make it into the playlists. I went through every single one myself, but some just didn’t make it in. This could be for a number of reasons, like:

— Spotify didn’t have the band in their library. For example, no The Beatles or Tool or AC/DC

— Spotify had the band, but not the song or the album. This happened a lot. Like Spotify had Joan Jett but doesn’t have her ‘Bad Reputation’ album.

— or the band was super obscure and I couldn’t find it on Spotify at all.

— I apologize in advance to our international friends for any problems you may have with a primarily USA-based playlisting format.

— If you don’t see your song, SCROLL DOWN. All the Spotify playlists are scrollable.

If I missed a submission of yours, and you can find it in Spotify, hit me up at [email protected] and I’ll do my darndest to manually add them to the derriere of one of the current playlists. We want everyone to be happy, after all.

I’ve formatted your choices into some very easy to digest blocks. (about 3 hours each, give or take) Here’s how I’ve re-purposed your choices:

Love Scene: This is now your sexytime music. These are the songs you listen to when you’re in the mood for love. Like, you and your husband both get home from mutual long days at work and he goes to the kitchen and pours a couple of glasses of wine. You head off to the bedroom and are gratefully uncorking your work pants and then you stop. There’s some music playing. Oh my god, you think…is that Pajiba Sexytime 3? You turn, and he’s already in the doorway, two glasses of wine in hand…

Here are the responses for LOVE SCENE (listed in the order they were entered). I’ll just be in my bunk.

A pretty sizeable number of these weren’t on Spotify, but this being the most personal category, I thought you should have access to all of the information, even if it didn’t make it onto the playlists. You may just find something that really works for you…


If you have a suggestion for a new Pajiba comment diversion, feel free to send it along to [email protected].

Thanks to all for playing!