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2014 Summer Movie Roundup, High School Superlatives Edition

By Rebecca Pahle | Lists | August 14, 2014 |

By Rebecca Pahle | Lists | August 14, 2014 |

This weekend sees the release of the last of the big summer movies, THe Expendables 3 and Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. After that it’s a bunch of dull shit until awards season kicks into gear (for the most part—can’t forget about Dolphin Tale 2!).

But September being a pit of despair, film-wise, does have the upside of giving our wallets time to recover from the summer movie season. There was good. There was bad. Let’s relive it all with HIGH SCHOOL SUPERLATIVES.

(I was “Most changed,” by the way. What a cop-out. Readers, you get anything?)

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Class Clown
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Andy Dwyer, I will love you until the end of my days, but there was a standout in Guardians of the Galaxy, and it wasn’t you. We were expecting your comedy chops.

Most Wasted Potential
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Luc Besson made “Scarlett Johansson Kicking Ass: The Movie,” and somehow it still sucked.

Unsung Hero
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Most Likely to Succeed
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In general. At all things.

Worst Dressed
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Biggest Bully
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Fucked up, Dreamworks.

“Wait, they went to school here?”
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Worst Person In the World
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Most Likely to Become An Axe Murderer
me tmnt yearbook.jpg

Disagree with my choices? Take a hike! Or tell me what you’d have picked instead. I am a kind, reasonable person. *eyedart*