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Come Freak Out with Us Over Santa's Bizarre, New 'Star Wars' Inspired Ride

By Cindy Davis | Science Fiction | December 23, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Science Fiction | December 23, 2015 |


And I’m not sure if it’s good or bad, but either way, we’re probably doomed. On the one hand, Santa’s new ride is straight up forking awesome. On the other, Skynet Boston Dynamics (don’t click that link, you’ll be sorry) is clearly up to no good, but they’re trying to sneak it by us to the cheery sounds of jingly bells and our fondness for AT-AT. All I’m saying is, give us a chance…to run far, far away.

Check it.

That is not natural. And, if this is how Santa is making his her rounds, I think I’m out.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)